SANBlaze Test API Actions


Clear the AER counters for the target


dut (XML_API) – The controller to clear the AER register from


status: int

0 for success, 1 for failure

reason: str

A brief explanation of the result

Return type:



Clear the AER counters:

result = AER_clear(dut)


Two other functions related to AER are AER_enable and AER_read


Enable Advanced Error Reporting (AER). By default is this set to 0 (disabled)


value (int) –

Desired setting of AER enable

1: Enable

2: Disable


status: int

0 for success, 1 for failure

reason: str

A brief explanation of the result

Return type:



Enable AER:

result = AER_enable(dut, 1)

Disable AER:

result = AER_disable(dut, 0)


Two other functions related to AER are AER_clear and AER_read

AER_read(dut, fail_type='error')

Read the AER registers for the target.

  • dut (XML_API) – The controller to read the AER register from

  • fail_type (int or str) –

    Specifies the action to be taken if the read fails

    0 or 'pass' : Log a PASS
    1 or 'notify' : Log a NOTE
    2 or 'warn' : Log a WARNING and increment warnings counter
    3 or 'error' : Log an ERROR and increment errors counter
    4 or 'test' : Log an ERROR and immediately fail the entire test


status: int

0 for success, 1 for failure

result: str

The current AER register content of the device

reason: str

A brief explanation of the result

Return type:



Read the AER entries:

result = AER_read(dut)


Two other functions related to AER are AER_enable and AER_clear

ASPM_enable(dut, state, fail_type='error', skip_type='action')

ASPM_enable provides access to Advance State Power Management control. It disables the watchdog when a low power state is requested and resumes the watchdog when the state is exited through this command.

ASPM enable will only change the state of the drive if the following feature is set:

dut.set_feature(feature_id=0x02, page_control=0, feature_data=3)
  • dut (XML_API) – The controller to change ASPM enable on

  • state (int or str) –

    0 : ASPM not enabled

    1 : L0s is enabled

    2 : L1 is enabled

    3 : L0s and L1 are both enabled

  • fail_type (int or str) –

    Specifies the action to be taken if the enable fails

    0 or 'pass' : Log a PASS
    1 or 'notify' : Log a NOTE
    2 or 'warn' : Log a WARNING and increment warnings counter
    3 or 'error' : Log an ERROR and increment errors counter
    4 or 'test' : Log an ERROR and immediately fail the entire test

  • skip_type (int or str) –

    Specifies the skip behavior if not supported

    0 or 'none' : Do not skip. Proceed with the action
    1 or 'action' : Log a SKIPPED message and return immediately
    2 or 'test' : Immediately skip the remainder of the entire test


status: int

0 for success, 1 for failure

reason: str

A brief explanation of the result

Return type:



Enable the L1 power state:

result = ASPM_enable(dut, 2)

Disable ASPM:

result = ASPM_enable(dut, 0)


Two other functions related to ASPM are get_ASPM_state and get_ASPM_support

L1PM_enable(dut, state, fail_type='error', skip_type='action')

Enable L1.1 and L1.2 power states through either PM or ASPM. Valid state values are 0-9 and A-F.

  • dut (XML_API) – The controller to enable the L1PM state on

  • state (byte) –

    bit 0 : PM L1.2 Enable

    bit 1 : PM L1.1 Enable

    bit 2 : ASPM L1.2 Enable

    bit 3 : ASPM L1.1 Enable

  • fail_type (int or str) –

    Specifies the action to be taken if the enable fails

    0 or 'pass' : Log a PASS
    1 or 'notify' : Log a NOTE
    2 or 'warn' : Log a WARNING and increment warnings counter
    3 or 'error' : Log an ERROR and increment errors counter
    4 or 'test' : Log an ERROR and immediately fail the entire test

  • skip_type (int or str) –

    Specifies the skip behavior if not supported

    0 or 'none' : Do not skip. Proceed with the action
    1 or 'action' : Log a SKIPPED message and return immediately
    2 or 'test' : Immediately skip the remainder of the entire test


status: int

0 for success, 1 for failure

reason: str

A brief explanation of the result

Return type:



ASPM L1.2 Enable and PM L1.1 Enable (binary: 0110):

result = L1PM_enable(dut, 6)

ASPM L1.1 Enable:

result = L1PM_enable(dut, 8)

ASPM L1.1 Enable and PM L1.1 Enable (binary: 1010):

result = L1PM_enable(dut, ‘A’)


result = L1PM_enable(dut, ‘a’)


Two other functions related to L1PM are get_L1PM_support and get_L1PM_state

PM_enable(dut, state, fail_type='error', skip_type='action')

PM_enable provides access to Power Management control. States 0 through 3, or D0 through D3 can be enabled.

  • dut (XML_API) – The controller enable PM states on

  • state (int) –

    0 : PM state D0

    1 : PM state D1

    2 : PM state D2

    3 : PM state D3

  • fail_type (int or str) –

    Specifies the action to be taken if the enable fails

    0 or 'pass' : Log a PASS
    1 or 'notify' : Log a NOTE
    2 or 'warn' : Log a WARNING and increment warnings counter
    3 or 'error' : Log an ERROR and increment errors counter
    4 or 'test' : Log an ERROR and immediately fail the entire test

  • skip_type (int or str) –

    Specifies the skip behavior if not supported

    0 or 'none' : Do not skip. Proceed with the action
    1 or 'action' : Log a SKIPPED message and return immediately
    2 or 'test' : Immediately skip the remainder of the entire test


status: int

0 for success, 1 for failure

reason: str

A brief explanation of the result

Return type:



Enable the D1 power state:

result = PM_enable(dut, 1)

Enable D3 hot entry:

result = PM_enable(dut, state=3)


Two other functions related to PM are get_PM_state and get_PM_support

attach_namespace(dut, nsid, fail_type='error', skip_type='action')

Attach the namespace with NSID equal to nsid to dut

  • dut (XML_API) – The controller to attach the namespace to

  • nsid (int) – The NSID of the namespace to attach

  • fail_type (int or str) –

    Specifies the action to be taken if the attachment fails

    0 or 'pass' : Log a PASS
    1 or 'notify' : Log a NOTE
    2 or 'warn' : Log a WARNING and increment warnings counter
    3 or 'error' : Log an ERROR and increment errors counter
    4 or 'test' : Log an ERROR and immediately fail the entire test

  • skip_type (int or str) –

    Specifies the skip behavior if namespace management is not supported

    0 or 'none' : Do not skip. Proceed with the action
    1 or 'action' : Log a SKIPPED message and return immediately
    2 or 'test' : Immediately skip the remainder of the entire test


status: int

0 if the attach succeeded, 1 if it failed

reason: str

A brief explanation of the result

Return type:


create_namespace(dut, config, fail_type='error', skip_type='action')

Create namespaces with the settings defined in config

  • dut (XML_API) – The controller under which the namespaces will be created

  • config (dict) – A dictionary containing configuration parameters for the new namespaces

  • fail_type (int or str) –

    Specifies the action to be taken if the creation fails

    0 or 'pass' : Log a PASS
    1 or 'notify' : Log a NOTE
    2 or 'warn' : Log a WARNING and increment warnings counter
    3 or 'error' : Log an ERROR and increment errors counter
    4 or 'test' : Log an ERROR and immediately fail the entire test

  • skip_type (int or str) –

    Specifies the skip behavior if namespace management is not supported

    0 or 'none' : Do not skip. Proceed with the action
    1 or 'action' : Log a SKIPPED message and return immediately
    2 or 'test' : Immediately skip the remainder of the entire test



0 if the creation was successful, 1 otherwise

nsidslist of int

A list containing the newly created NSIDs. Empty if none created


A brief explanation of the result

Return type:



Create 3 private 1GB namespaces:

configuration = {
    'create_num': 3,
    'create_size': '1gb',
    'create_priv': 1

create_namespace(dut, configuration)
create_submission_queue(dut, fail_type='error')

Create a submission queue with ID 1

  • dut (XML_API) – The controller on which to create the submission queue

  • fail_type (int or str) –

    Specifies the action to be taken if creation fails

    0 or 'pass' : Log a PASS
    1 or 'notify' : Log a NOTE
    2 or 'warn' : Log a WARNING and increment warnings counter
    3 or 'error' : Log an ERROR and increment errors counter
    4 or 'test' : Log an ERROR and immediately fail the entire test

delete_submission_queue(dut, fail_type='error')

Delete the submission queue with ID 1

  • dut (XML_API) – The controller on which to delete the submission queue

  • fail_type (int or str) –

    Specifies the action to be taken if the deletion fails

    0 or 'pass' : Log a PASS
    1 or 'notify' : Log a NOTE
    2 or 'warn' : Log a WARNING and increment warnings counter
    3 or 'error' : Log an ERROR and increment errors counter
    4 or 'test' : Log an ERROR and immediately fail the entire test

detach_namespace(dut, nsid, fail_type='error', skip_type='action')

Detach the namespace with NSID equal to nsid from dut

  • dut (XML_API) – The controller to attach the namespace to

  • nsid (int) – The NSID of the namespace to attach

  • fail_type (int or str) –

    Specifies the action to be taken if the detachment fails

    0 or 'pass' : Log a PASS
    1 or 'notify' : Log a NOTE
    2 or 'warn' : Log a WARNING and increment warnings counter
    3 or 'error' : Log an ERROR and increment errors counter
    4 or 'test' : Log an ERROR and immediately fail the entire test

  • skip_type (int or str) –

    Specifies the skip behavior if namespace management is not supported

    0 or 'none' : Do not skip. Proceed with the action
    1 or 'action' : Log a SKIPPED message and return immediately
    2 or 'test' : Immediately skip the remainder of the entire test


status: int

0 if the detach succeeded, 1 if it failed

reason: str

A brief explanation of the result

Return type:


do_write(dut, num_blocks, hex_data, error_code, method=1)

Write num_blocks worth of hex_data to dut. Expect error_code

  • dut (XML_API) – The dut to write the data to

  • num_blocks (int) – The number of LBAs to write to

  • hex_data (str) – The data to write

  • error_code (str) – The expected error code

  • method (int) – 1 : Don’t expect failure, 2 : expect failure

Return type:



Provides the current enabled ASPM state. Possible states are 0 thorough 3, which correspond to

0 : ASPM not enabled

1 : L0s is enabled

2 : L1 is enabled

3 : L0s and L1 are both enabled


dut (XML_API) – The controller to read the ASPM state from


status: int

0 for success, 1 for failure

state: str

ASPM state

reason: str

A brief explanation of the result

Return type:



Get the current ASPM state:

state = find_in(get_ASPM_state(dut), 'state')


Two other functions related to ASPM are ASPM_enable and get_ASPM_support

get_ASPM_support(dut, fail_type='error')

Provides the controller level of support for PM control. Valid values are 0 through 3, which correspond to the values listed below.

  • fail_type

  • dut (XML_API) – The controller to get ASPM support from


status: int

0 for success, 1 for failure

support: int

Integer with the details of the ASPM support

0 : ASPM not enabled

1 : L0s is enabled

2 : L1 is enabled

3 : L0s and L1 are both enabled

reason: str

A brief explanation of the result

Return type:



Get the supported ASPM states for the controller:

support = find_in(get_ASPM_state(dut), 'support')


Two other functions related to ASPM are ASPM_enable and get_ASPM_state


Provides the current enabled L1PM state. Possible states are 0x0 thorough 0xF, which correspond to

bit 0 : PM L1.2 Enable

bit 1 : PM L1.1 Enable

bit 2 : ASPM L1.2 Enable

bit 3 : ASPM L1.1 Enable


dut (XML_API) – The controller to read the L1PM state from


status: int

0 for success, 1 for failure

state: str

L1PM state

reason: str

A brief explanation of the result

Return type:



Get the current L1PM state:

state = find_in(get_L1PM_state(dut), 'state')


Two other functions related to L1PM are L1PM_enable and get_L1PM_support


Provides the controller level of support for PM control. Valid values are 0 through 3, which correspond to the values listed below.


dut (XML_API) – The controller to read the L1PM support from


status: int

0 for success, 1 for failure

support: str
Binary string with the details of the L1PM support

Bit 0 : PM L1.2 Enable

Bit 1 : PM L1.1 Enable

Bit 2 : ASPM L1.2 Enable

Bit 3 : ASPM L1.1 Enable

reason: str

A brief explanation of the result

Return type:



Get the supported L1PM states for the controller:

support = find_in(get_L1PM_state(dut), 'support')


Two other functions related to L1PM are L1PM_enable and get_L1PM_state


Provides the current enabled PM power state. Possible states are 0 thorough 3, which correspond to power states D0 through D3.


dut (XML_API) – The controller to read the PM state from


status: int

0 for success, 1 for failure

state: str

PM state

reason: str

A brief explanation of the result

Return type:



Get the current PM state:

state = find_in(get_PM_state(dut), 'state')


Two other functions related to PM are PM_enable and get_PM_support


Provides the controller level of support for PM control. Valid values are 0x0 through 0xF, which correspond to the bit mask values listed below.


dut (XML_API) – The controller to get the PM support from


status: int

0 for success, 1 for failure

support: int

Binary string with the details of the PM support (0: not supported, 1: supported)

Bit 0 : PM support of state D1

Bit 1 : PM support of state D1

Bit 2 : PM support of state D2

Bit 3 : PM support of state D3

reason: str

A brief explanation of the result

Return type:



Get the supported PM states for the controller:

support = find_in(get_PM_state(dut), 'support')


Two other functions related to PM are PM_enable and get_PM_state

Get the current link speed as an integer from bits[3:0] of the Link Status Register.

The supported link speeds are 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 which are correlated to PCIe Gen1 (2.5GT/s), Gen2 (5.0GT/s), Gen3 (8.0GT/s), Gen4 (16.0GT/s) and Gen5 (32.0GT/s) speed


dut (XML_API) – Controller on which to get the link speed


  • -1 (int) – Could not determine link speed

  • 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (int) – Link speed


Get the link speed of a controller:

link_speed = get_link_speed(dut)

Get the current link width as an integer.

The supported link widths are 1, 2, and 4 which are correlated with the link width 1x, 2x, and 4x.

  • dut (XML_API) – Controller on which to get the link speed

  • fail_type (int or str) –

    Specifies the action to be taken if getting the link width fails

    0 or 'pass' : Log a PASS
    1 or 'notify' : Log a NOTE
    2 or 'warn' : Log a WARNING and increment warnings counter
    3 or 'error' : Log an ERROR and increment errors counter
    4 or 'test' : Log an ERROR and immediately fail the entire test


  • -1 (int) – Could not determine link width

  • 1, 2, 3 (int) – link width


Get the link width of the controller:

link_width = get_link_width(dut)


Two other functions related to link width are set_link_width and get_max_link_width


dut (XML_API) – Controller on which to get the link speed


1, 2, 3, 4, 5 – Link Speed

Return type:



Get the max link speed of a controller:

max_link_speed = get_max_link_speed(dut)

Get the maximum link width supported by the device


dut (XML_API) – Controller on which to get the link width


1, 2, 4 – Max link width

Return type:



Get the max link width of a controller:

max_link_width = get_max_link_width(dut)


Two other functions related to link width are get_current_link_width and set_link_width


Get the slot power using sb_i2c


dut (API object)

get_voltage(dut, retries=0)

Get the slot voltage using sb_i2c

  • dut (API object)

  • retries (int) – Number of times try to collect the voltage before failing. Default 0

iSleep(sleeptime, quiet=0)

Pause test execution for sleeptime ms but remain responsive to commands

  • sleeptime (int) – Time of interruptable sleep, in ms

  • quiet (int) – 0 or 1, whether to log a message when the sleep begins


The time spent sleeping

Return type:



Sleep for 10 seconds without quiet enabled:


Logged message:

Mon Sep 13 15:19:46 2021 DETAIL: iSleep for 10.0S
issue_reset(dut, reset, reset_type=None, shutdown_mode=None, fail_type='error', skip_type='action')

Issue the specified reset on the given dut

Issue a controller reset, NVM subsystem reset, PCIe conventional reset, or PCI function reset. If a controller reset is being issued, reset_type and shutdown_mode may be specified. In other cases they will be ignored.

  • dut (XML_API) – Controller on which to issue the reset

  • reset (int or str) – The type of reset to be performed

  • reset_type (int) – 0-3, specifies behavior of controller reset

  • shutdown_mode (int) – 0-3, specifies behavior of shutdown if applicable

  • fail_type (int or str) –

    Specifies the action to be taken if the reset fails

    0 or 'pass' : Log a PASS
    1 or 'notify' : Log a NOTE
    2 or 'warn' : Log a WARNING and increment warnings counter
    3 or 'error' : Log an ERROR and increment errors counter
    4 or 'test' : Log an ERROR and immediately fail the entire test

  • skip_type (int or str) –

    Specifies the skip behavior if the specified reset is not supported

    0 or 'none' : Do not skip. Proceed with the action
    1 or 'action' : Log a SKIPPED message and return immediately
    2 or 'test' : Immediately skip the remainder of the entire test



0 or 1, indicating success or failure respectively


Explanation of the result

Return type:



Any string passed into reset will be converted to lowercase and have all whitespace removed:

"ContRoller ResEt  " -> "controllerreset"


Issuing a controller reset with reset_type of 1:

issue_reset(dut, "ControllerReset", 1)

Issuing a PCIe function reset, using the shortened name:

issue_reset(dut, "flr")
power_cycle(dut, wait=True, fail_type='test', ready_wait_time=120)

Perform a graceful power cycle of a single or dual port device. If a quarch is connected and specified using the ‘use_quarch’ keyword in /virtualun/python.conf, then the function redirects to power_Cycle_quarch.

  • dut

  • wait

  • fail_type

Return type:


power_cycle_quarch(dut, sn=None, wait=True, fail_type='test', ready_wait_time=120)

Power cycle the device using the connected quarch device and the DOWN and UP commands.

  • dut

  • wait

  • fail_type

Return type:


read_bits(dut, offset=0, start=0, end=None, fail_type='error')

Read bits [start, end] from the controller property at offset

  • dut (XML_API) – The device from which to read the bits

  • offset (int) – Hexadecimal offset to read from. MUST take form 0x.. or be equivalent decimal value

  • start (int) – 0-63. Starting bit of range to read

  • end (int) – 0-63. Ending bit of range to read. Optional

  • fail_type (int or str) –

    Specifies the action to be taken if the reading the bits fails

    0 or 'pass' : Log a PASS
    1 or 'notify' : Log a NOTE
    2 or 'warn' : Log a WARNING and increment warnings counter
    3 or 'error' : Log an ERROR and increment errors counter
    4 or 'test' : Log an ERROR and immediately fail the entire test


Value of bits read, or None if read failed

Return type:


read_ltssm_state(dut, fail_type='error')

Read and return the PCIe LTSSM state of the device specified by dut

  • dut (XML_API) – The controller to read the LTSSM state from

  • fail_type (int or str) –

    Specifies the action to be taken if state cannot be read

    0 or 'pass' : Log a PASS
    1 or 'notify' : Log a NOTE
    2 or 'warn' : Log a WARNING and increment warnings counter
    3 or 'error' : Log an ERROR and increment errors counter
    4 or 'test' : Log an ERROR and immediately fail the entire test


status: int

0 for success, 1 for failure

state: str

The current LTSSM state of the device

substate: str

The current LTSSM substate of the device

reason: str

A brief explanation of the result

Return type:


ready_controller(dut, skip_if_ready=1, fail_type='test')

Use hot plug button to return controller to ready state (green)

  • dut (XML_API) – The controller to be returned to ready state

  • skip_if_ready (int) – If 1, return immediately if controller is ready. If 0, don’t check

  • fail_type (int or str) –

    Specifies the action to be taken if the operation fails

    0 or 'pass' : Log a PASS
    1 or 'notify' : Log a NOTE
    2 or 'warn' : Log a WARNING and increment warnings counter
    3 or 'error' : Log an ERROR and increment errors counter
    4 or 'test' : Log an ERROR and immediately fail the entire test


skip_if_ready=0 allows the function to be used to cycle the controller. The function will always end with the controller in a ready state.

Return type:


self_test(dut, _type, nsid=1, timeout=300, fail_type='error')

Performs the device self test indicated and wait for test completion. If test percent complete does not advance in ‘timeout’ time, the action will fail with the fail_type indicated.

When the test is complete, the Self Test Result will be checked to verify that bits 3:0 are 0.

  • dut (XML_API) – The controller to run the self-test on

  • _type (int) – Version of self test to run. 1: short, 2: extended

  • nsid (int) – The namespace to run the self test on

  • timeout (int) – Seconds to wait for the percent complete to advance. Defaults to 300s

  • fail_type (int or str) –

    Specifies the action to be taken if the detachment fails

    0 or 'pass' : Log a PASS
    1 or 'notify' : Log a NOTE
    2 or 'warn' : Log a WARNING and increment warnings counter
    3 or 'error' : Log an ERROR and increment errors counter
    4 or 'test' : Log an ERROR and immediately fail the entire test

send_pme_turn_off(dut, timeout=60, fail_type='error')

Send PCIe PME_Turn_Off for the device specified by dut

  • dut (XML_API) – The controller on which to issue the PME_Turn_Off

  • timeout (int) – The duration to wait for the turn off to complete before failing

  • fail_type (int or str) –

    Specifies the action to be taken if the send fails

    0 or 'pass' : Log a PASS
    1 or 'notify' : Log a NOTE
    2 or 'warn' : Log a WARNING and increment warnings counter
    3 or 'error' : Log an ERROR and increment errors counter
    4 or 'test' : Log an ERROR and immediately fail the entire test


status: int

0 for success, 1 for failure

reason: str

A brief explanation of the result

Return type:


set_PERST(dut, write, glitch_usec=None, fail_type='error', wait=False, timeout=60)

Set PERST to write. Set to original state after glitch_usec if specified.

  • dut (XML_API) – Controller on which to set PERST

  • write (int) – 0 or 1, the state to be written to PERST

  • glitch_usec (int) – Number of microseconds to hold written state if specified

  • fail_type (int or str) –

    Specifies the action to be taken if setting PERST fails

    0 or 'pass' : Log a PASS
    1 or 'notify' : Log a NOTE
    2 or 'warn' : Log a WARNING and increment warnings counter
    3 or 'error' : Log an ERROR and increment errors counter
    4 or 'test' : Log an ERROR and immediately fail the entire test



0 or 1, indicating success or failure respectively


Explanation of the result

Return type:



Setting PERST to 0:

set_PERST(dut, 0)

Setting PERST to 0 for 0.1 seconds:

set_PERST(dut, 0, 100000)

Set the link speed to a supported value. The supported link speeds are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 which are correlated to PCIe Gen1 (2.5GT/s), Gen2 (5.0GT/s), Gen3 (8.0GT/s) Gen4 (16.0GT/s) and Gen5(32.0GT/s) speed. Any value for speed other than 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 will raise a ValueError.

  • dut (XML_API) – Controller on which to get the link speed

  • speed (int) – The desired link speed of the device (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)


Retrain the link width to 4:

set_link_speed(dut, 4)

Train the link width to a supported value. The supported link widths are 1, 2, and 4 which are correlated to 1x, 2x, and 4x link widths. Any value for width other than 1, 2, 4 will raise a ValueError.

  • dut (XML_API) – Controller on which to get the link width

  • requested_link_width (int) –

    The desired link width of the device (1, 2, 4)

    1: 1x

    2: 2x

    4: 4x

  • fail_type (int or str) –

    Specifies the action to be taken if setting the link width fails

    0 or 'pass' : Log a PASS
    1 or 'notify' : Log a NOTE
    2 or 'warn' : Log a WARNING and increment warnings counter
    3 or 'error' : Log an ERROR and increment errors counter
    4 or 'test' : Log an ERROR and immediately fail the entire test

  • skip_type (int or str) –

    Specifies the skip behavior if the link width is not supported

    0 or 'none' : Do not skip. Proceed with the action
    1 or 'action' : Log a SKIPPED message and return immediately
    2 or 'test' : Immediately skip the remainder of the entire test


Retrain the link width to 4:

set_link_width(dut, 4)


Two other functions related to link width are get_current_link_width and get_max_link_width

set_queues(dut, sq_count=0, cq_count=0, queue_depth=0, fail_type='error', skip_type='test')

Sets the queue count and queue depth for an NVMe controller. After the queue count is updated, the controller is reset and the reset is verified. As a final step this interrogates the controller to verify the new queue count and queue depth.

If any part of this process fails, the fail_type action will occur.

  • dut (XML_API) – Controller on which to set queues

  • cq_count (Int) – Desired completion queue count (Optional, defaults to 0: 1:1 queue pair)

  • sq_count (Int) – Desired submission queue count (Optional, defaults to 0: PCIe NVMe: number of CPUs, Fabric NVMe: 4)

  • queue_depth (Int) – Desired queue depth (Optional, defaults to 0: PCIe NVMe:1024, Fabric NVMe:124)

  • fail_type (int or str) –

    Specifies the action to be taken if setting the queues fails

    0 or 'pass' : Log a PASS
    1 or 'notify' : Log a NOTE
    2 or 'warn' : Log a WARNING and increment warnings counter
    3 or 'error' : Log an ERROR and increment errors counter
    4 or 'test' : Log an ERROR and immediately fail the entire test

  • skip_type (int or str) –

    Specifies the skip behavior if the queue configuration is not supported

    0 or 'none' : Do not skip. Proceed with the action
    1 or 'action' : Log a SKIPPED message and return immediately
    2 or 'test' : Immediately skip the remainder of the entire test


status – 1

Return type:



After the queue count is updated, the controller is reset and the reset is verified. As a final step this interrogates the controller to verify the new queue count and queue depth.

If any part of this process fails, the script will fail and exit.


Create a 1:1 queue pair with 6 queues and a queue depth of 256:

set_queues( dut, sq_count=6, cq_count=6, queue_depth=256)

Set the submission queue count to 1, the completion queue count to 1, don’t modify the queue depth:

set_queues(dut)                                          # Use default parameters
set_queues(dut, sq_count=1, cq_count=1, queue_depth=1)   # Specify parameters explicitly

Set the submission queue count to 6, the completion queue count to 1 and don’t modify the queue depth:

set_queues(dut, sq_count=6, cq_count=1)
surprise_power_cycle(dut, fail_type='test')

Perform a surprise power cycle of a single or dual port device (this is a slightly modified version of power_cycle() from

  • dut (XML_API) – Device object under test

  • fail_type (str) – At which level to fail the test

Return type:


wait_for_controller(dut, timeout, fail_type='error', delay=5)

Delay program execution until control responds to a controller ready signal

  • dut (XML_API) – Controller on which to issue the reset

  • timeout (int) – Max time to wait for controller to return(s)

  • fail_type (int or str) –

    Specifies the action to be taken if the function times out

    0 or 'pass' : Log a PASS
    1 or 'notify' : Log a NOTE
    2 or 'warn' : Log a WARNING and increment warnings counter
    3 or 'error' : Log an ERROR and increment errors counter
    4 or 'test' : Log an ERROR and immediately fail the entire test

  • delay (int) – Specifies the additional delay after controller and probes are ready.


0 if controller became ready, 1 if timeout was reached

Return type:



To determine if the controller is ready, program waits for a valid status from the following call:

result = dut.get_proc_target_info()

The result is then analyzed. If find_in(result, "ControllerReady") == 1, the controller is ready and program execution continues. A message is logged indicating that the controller is ready.

If the call was not successful, an error message is logged and add_error() is called.


Issue FLR and wait up to 20 seconds for the controller to be ready:

issue_reset(dut, 'flr')

Disable the system watchdog



Return type:
